AEC Cloud Updates Portal Software with Patch 20: Unified Application Management
AEC Cloud recently released Patch 20 for the Portal Software. This new patch covers some bug fixes of the Portal Software, giving users and administrators control over application access and management.
"Unified Application Management" is the key feature of Portal Software.
Fixes Fix #1:
- The user count issues in Companies Page. a. Application Section shows incorrect count in the list. b. Assign Application section shows inactive users in the list. c. Related Accounts section shows incorrect count in the list.
Fix #2:
- 'Related Users' matrix displays incorrect applications on following scenario. Scenario: Remove all apps from a user via the Contacts page, save and then reassign only on App to the user - Matrix will display access to all/other apps
What is Portal Software?
Developed with a cloud mindset, the AEC Cloud Portal Software is purpose built for:
- Companies seeking a unified end user
- Unified application administrator experience
- Currently used by more than 20,000 users
- Seamless self provisioning experience
Major Functionality includes:
- Central company/contact repository
- Secure launching, provisioning and single sign on for various applications
- Activity based billing module
- Integrated with Active Directory
- Includes a web services layer that can be used to leverage certain features for other integrations